Welcome To The Inner Call

The Inner Call Forum for Evolution, Development & Awareness is a non profit and a non commercial organization founded to promote human values. The Forum initiates public service campaigns to communicate these values, such as caring for others and the natural environment, contributing 100% energy to the work being performed, cultivating optimism through faith and patience, helping the all-round development of children and promoting an awareness of the value of relationships in an attempt to make a difference in the world, beginning with the immediate community. The Forum believes that positive individual values-based existence may not change the world but collectively they do make a difference. The Inner Call communicates its message through television, radio, print-media, out-door activities like medical camps and various awareness camps, marathons, group visits to backward, under-developed areas and orphanages, old-age homes etc. Theatre and the Internet are also being utilized to reach out to more and more people. There is a need of strong values within society like commitment and volunteering, leadership and courage, compassion and generosity, charity and sacrifice, dedication and determination, optimism and motivation, perseverance and hope, loyalty and belief, honesty and sportsmanship, love and humility. Action needs to be based on what is happening around us and the mission of the Forum is to accelerate a social change by implementing programmes that demonstrate effective solutions. We need to pass on to the new generation values that create society leaders who shall strengthen the roots of culture.

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